The Evil Cult of 764

She’s a holygirl that′s how her story ends
It’s a lonely world with no real life friends She′ll slit his throat on the internet
As long as it can make her famous.

Disclaimer. This blog is written by an outsider. The blog author didn’t agree to kill her cat which was the main task on the admission test to this prestigious Satanic club. Neither her masterbation videos were approved of by the elitist international committee of super evil Satanists. Thus she had to rely merely on the information gathered on Reddit and some leaked videos she could only partially watch on and Internet Archive because it was obviously too much for her.

So Mr Angel Almeida was an O9A fan who also supposedly belonged to the heinous Discord group who attracted mainly deranged kids with the taste for anything gore. The mad kiddies were required to kill their pets, cut themselves or even kill elderly people as a form of initiation to the online club of Satanic cuckoos. If they were lucky, they were “merely” asked to masturbate on camera. Although one nefarious Discord server apparently went by the name 764, others were/are O9a (lol), H3ll and Kaskar? they are very inclusive and attract all kinds of whackos, not only Satanic ones. Apparently, they still exist, changing names over and over again. The members also regularly dox each other. If some girl wanted to leave, she was blackmailed and threatened with exposure.

Satanism can attract all types of psychotic people, including mad teenagers longing for attention, internet popularity and approval of their “peers”. I don’t justify adult guys who, for some bizarre reason, figured out that pets and the elderly are proper targets for their diabolical vengeance or who manipulate the minors for the lulz. What bothers me is treating children as innocent victims.

I mean how fucked in the head people must be to kill their own cats and cut the name of the Discord server on their bodies? Or what a little monster must the young girl be to bite her hamster’s head off just to please her online friends? Or throw the cat against the wall? Or kill some grandma? It’s a thoroughly psychotic shit.

But does madness explain everything? Does young age justify every vile deed? Can everything be attributed to manipulation? Or are some children simply attracted to evil? So they somehow stumble “accidentally” on those groups and it turns out they fit in.

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