Drama Queens Parade

Often times, a “Satanic Drama Queen” will consider themselves the self appointed cops of the Satanic community and will either criticize or attack other Satanists with whom they take offence… Often times, these wretchedly sad individuals… have little else to do with their time than criticize others simply to make themselves feel more important. They feel the need to validate themselves by making others look wrong, stupid or bad... (“The Satanic Testament” Lucifer LeGivorden)

Disobey me, then baby, it’s off with your head
Gonna change it and make it a world you won’t forget,
No damsel in distress, don’t need to save me
Once I start breathin’ fire, you can’t tame me
And you might think I’m weak without a sword
But I’m stronger than I ever was before
(Ava Max)

“Drama whore cheerleader”

I’ve just realized, or perhaps, I knew it all the time, that this blog would never ever exist if it wasn’t for all the drama kings, queens and princesses, drama whores and harlots, haters and antagonistic assholes. They inspired well… 90% of the content here. I think I’m not exaggerating. And I’m not counting what I wrote in the forums. I think it’s time to give the Devil his due. I’d love to express my most sincere gratitude to all the drama queens and, possibly, kings and all the antagonistic assholes who inspired me. You’ve been my muse, my fucking poetry in motion, you make the virtual experience interesting and memorable. Without you and your bittersweet sting, writing wouldn’t be worth the effort, perhaps reading too.

So now I want to raise my glass to the drama queens parade, especially Satanic drama queens parade, and say “Thank You!” I even want to repeat the famous line from Dorian Gray movie “With this dram, right now, I nail my soul to the Devil’s altar.”

I’m now being half serious, half joking. But I believe, I believe firmly, that in the suffocating environment of fapbook, YouTube or other safe spaces, fact checkers, sensitive content alerts, trigger warnings and covid misinformation centers, thought-provoking and politically incorrect shit disturbers are the breath of fresh air. Those who can say what they really think, do not give a damn about whether the oversensitive people will like it or not and do not show respect for the individuals’ sacred safe spaces and precious opinions. And they don’t even need some sanctified higher cause for that. They are like rare gems among the turds in the grand metaverse cat litterbox.

Today’s victimhood culture teaches you that you have a right, damn it, constitutional right even, to express your personal opinions, no matter how idiotic and retarded they are, undisturbed and unbothered by anyone. It teaches you that a lively debate is immature, that you should engage only in “civilized”, respectful discussions, ignore trolls, shit-disturbers and the so-called haters. God forbid you stoop down to their level and engage them. If someone “harasses” you, you should report them and, if they have already managed to ruin your day by antagonizing you and questioning your ideas, you should take some time off the internet and consult your psychiatrist. And never ever try to defend yourself because it will only escalate the conflict. And what’s so wrong with that? Even offline, does anyone live the life that is totally conflict-free? How often does one have to stand up to stupid people, toxic people, back-stabbing narcissists spreading rumors, jealous spiteful colleagues, family psychic vampires etc? How often does one have to stand up for oneself and defend one’s interests?

Granted, not every feedback is fair or even valuable but you can, I think, learn something from the very act of defending your ideas. Even if you think that the opposing view is wrong, it nevertheless forces you to think more, to ponder over your own ideas and even learn something new. So the seemingly hostile environments are the ones that help you thrive. Sure, it’s all for ego gratification, that is often down played as intellectual masturbation. But without it, where is the fun?

2 thoughts on “Drama Queens Parade

  1. Alex says:

    Dark Xmas Anna, and all. Please raise your glass to efforts here that are never futile. As for Satanists feuding trivially and polluting the sphere, it’s to be expected as some inherent human gem among the vast populaces too. I’ll never forget the art exhibit here that flaunted mushroom clouds encased in hearts. Love notes attached. As above, so below, and the depth of the lows astound the feeble themselves despite obvious clues. But enough of beating a dead horse.

    I fondly remember Diana whose death was part of the Diana-Versace-Mother Theresa trio. Kicking the bucket around the same time in itself is insignificant, though murder in 2 out of 3 coinciding cases means something to me: species voracity with pretty little flowers in between. But the rare flowers in between rot unless they are poisonous.

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