The Nazi Scarecrow


Polish Nationalists

It was this great vision of Galactic Empire which has inspired me in my life-long political activity, and it was the great vision of a Galactic Empire created by human beings which has motivated me to do what I have done in politics. I knew even at that early age that two things would be required to make this vision real – the technology to enable us to travel to the stars, and the right type of society, at first here on Earth, to create the will and the means to travel into Space and build an Empire.  Soon, however (when I was about fourteen years of age) I came to believe that all present societies were lacking something important and that it would probably be necessary to somehow create an entirely new type of society… (David Myatt “Autobiographical Notes”)

Mr Parker of the diabolical ONA (or is this a girl?) has recently changed his propaganda tone and now he seems to be less preoccupied with the pseudo-Satanists and the plebeian pretenders to the sinister throne. Instead, he focuses more on National Socialism and the links between the NS movement and the Order of Nine Angles. Everyone remembers Myatt’s multiple essays written when he was young, passionate and idealistic. If not, then your loss. If you’re young, you’re a dreamer, believing you can change the world. You worship your heroes, idealize them, ignore the facts and believe only what you want to believe. When you get older and life hands you your ass on a silver platter, you realize that not much, if anything, depends on your Will.

For a change, this blog will be about the Holy Catholic Church. Perhaps, someone after reading it will believe, as many leftist douches believe, that the Catholic Church is in its essence Nazi.


Polish Nationalists in Church

There are various Nationalist groups in Poland. Some describe themselves as Nationalists, others identify as National Socialists. For convenience, I will put them into one bag because they co-operate and share similar values. For a long time they were marginalized, didn’t have access to the mainstream media. There were even attempts to ban them in the name of love and tolerance. It’s incredible how the regime of political correctness tries to silence people with different  and controversial views, how it tries to put a muzzle on them.

Now, since the government has changed, the Nationalists are occasionally invited to the TV. So recently the host of one program invited the kids from one organization, ONR. Yeah, these were just kids. They were really underwhelming. The liberal and anti-hate groups, the defenders of democracy, portrayed them as scary monsters, full of hatred to other nations and races, organizing hateful marches and just waiting for the opportunity to beat up, or even kill, an innocent Muslim or a Jew.

Their participation in the Mass caused a moral outrage. Many VIPs calling themselves Catholics wrote a protest letter to the Church authorities condemning the Church support of Nationalist movement. It was so unchristian. What would Jesus say? So the archbishop apologized. The university authorities advised the foreign students not to go out when the ONR had their march. The “anti-racist” groups filed a law-suit. How dare you say what you think? Democracy means freedom to express your views, yes, but only those views that are generally acceptable. Many politicians refused to participate in the funeral of the national hero, Lupaszka, because the ONR and other “Nazi” orgs were there. Not to mention burning the effigy of the Jew, the EU flag or the portrait of Angela Merkel.


Yeah, Heil the “Great Catholic Poland!

So why did you shout “The Zionists will hang on the trees”? – the host asked the young people. “Because we wanted to be heard. We must use strong words, simplified and emotionally loaded slogans to get through to people.”

So it seems that those young, idealistic but patriotic and all in all well-meaning people just wanted to be heard. They wanted someone to take into consideration what they wanted to say. If they didn’t shout the controversial slogans, perhaps nobody would pay any attention to them? This program, and a couple of similar programs, ran by conservative journalists helped to demystify those groups, un-demonize their members, show them as normal people, not silly harmless kids really. They sounded quite intelligent when they were given a chance to defend their views. But they were shown not as dreaded monsters but as young normal people, a little bit idealistic but patriotic, enthusiastic, searching for their place in life, having their own vision of the nation and its future. It turned out that though their views were more controversial and the methods of expression stronger, their dreams were not that different from the dreams and ideals of other young people. Perhaps, if one is willing to get to know the “Devil” more closely, it may turn out that the Devil is not as scary as many claim he is.

The Circle of the Fallen


Rene Magritte

The whole idea of mutual admiration societies and inner circles within the established cults in the context of Satanism makes me raise my eyebrows. I can understand one can set up a cool kids’ club or join one to peddle one’s agenda but more often than not it’s just an excuse for seeking validation, often at the cost of one’s own interests. How the hell (pun intended) can one claim to embody the archetype of Satan and, at the same time, seek peer approval? Or try hard to please people in order to join their clique? How the hell can one claim to be sinister and, at the same time, follow the Master and Mistress and take what they say at face value? How the hell can one claim to express the genuine essence of Satanism while jumping on the hate bandwagon?

Milton’s Satan was kicked out of the most prestigious and elitist club, called Heaven. In spite of that, he remained proud and arrogant, and defiant. Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. So how can you act against your own interests or betray your own Self just to win someone’s approval, especially if that someone behaves in a rather tasteless manner? People can’t even lie properly. They will bad-mouth you and, if that doesn’t work, they will shower you with insincere praises and dishonest compliments. I like you but, please, talk shit about person X or person Y. You have to be totally deluded to accept unfounded praise, to fancy yourself a special snowflake, even more special than other special snowflakes. All people are the same in their belief they are unique and better than others.

How full of shit one must be to judge another person after one meeting or, worse, on the basis of their writings? And those delusional people claim to have the skill of “esoteric empathy”, whatever the fuck that means for them. You’re not full of wisdom, you’re full of shit, trying to figure out the nature of the person by the way they write. It’s easy to categorize people, make assumptions and cast unfounded judgements left and right. Who the fuck cares about the personality of the writer? Maybe he’s a total asshole, maybe she’s a stupid bitch. Who knows? And who cares? If you write well, then you write well. If your writings are lame, then they are lame. Your life is your business. If your judgement of other people is questionable, then you’re fooling no one that you know what empathy is.

If I appreciate someone’s writings or artwork, I have no problem with admitting it. I don’t think my crown will fall because of that even if someone writes better than me. The character of the writer/artist is irrelevant just like whether I personally like him/her or not, whether we are buddies or not. Who cares about your drama, about your personal bullshit, your jealousy and your inner “esoteric order”? It’s as exciting as the shit in a plastic bag, a herd of sheep patting each other on the back, a prime example of mindless conformity.